Wednesday, January 22, 2014

So, you think you want to work in the fashion industry.....

I get to have lots of interaction with young (and sometimes not so young) folks who want to get into the fashion industry.  My work with the Denver Design Incuabator ( and Emily Griffith Technical College ( in the Fashion Design program provide me lots of opportunity to work with people just starting out in this industry.  It's always fun to work with people with fresh ideas, lots of ambition, their excitement of a new adventure.  I've been in this business more than 20 years now and frankly, it's easy to get jaded.  Working with these up and coming designers, patternmakers, creatives helps me to stay refreshed and allows me to give of what I have learned over the past couple decades.

Want some tips?

Work Hard!  You may be talented, but unless you put that talent to hard work, it isn't enough.  This is a tough business.  Be prepared to work 12 hour days (often).

Work Smart!  Don't think you have to re-invent the wheel necessarily, but do know why things work the way they do in the fashion industry and be prepared to make waves - but always be smart about WHY you are going to do something outside the norm.  (Rules are made to be broken in this business - you just better know why you are breaking them.)

Be a Student - ALWAYS!  There is way to much in this business for anyone to know everything.  Always be learning and improving your skills.

Let it roll off your back!  This is a tough business (I said that already, didn't I?)  It's hard for creative people to hear their work criticized.  It's also critical!  This is how you will grow as a designer.

Some good articles:

Just remember - this is a fun business, but it is a business - which means people vying for real money, growing corporations, etc.  It's not just about the clothes - it's about the bottom line.  Be prepared to outwork everyone else, pay attention to detail, pay attention to the quality of your work, pay attention to the bottom line ($$$).  (Oh yea, and have fun!)


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