Monday, January 6, 2014

Life at 9,000 Feet - Happy New Year

Happy New Year!  I am so glad it is finally 2014 - the past year and a half have been tough for me personally.  With my mother's very unexpected passing in the fall of 2013, nothing has seemed right to me for a long time.  I don't really think I miss her any less, but I guess I've sort of made an intellectual decision to purposefully move forward.  I sort of feel like I've been living in a reactionary state, and I'm just done with that.

I think it helps that it's finally snowing!  The past two years haven't brought much snow to our life at 9,000 feet in the Rocky Mountains.  I sort of feel like if it's not going to snow - what's the point of living here?  Even with the cold, the snow brings a freshness and a real sense of newness to our new year.

So, in the spirit of Happy New Year, and life at 9,000 feet - here's a new year's wish for you - may your view be unobstructed, your life filled with love, and may you and your family have a healthy and happy 2014!

1 comment:

  1. Lovely pictures :)

    Catherine Vargas
    Vintage Girls
