So I know all my Texas friends are laughing now - it's been spring there since early March and they're already calling it summer. And when we lived in Texas, we would have already broken out the boat and we'd be spending weekends at the lake. Not so much here in the Rocky Mountains (especially at an elevation just below 9,000 feet). BUT the snow has finally melted (save a few patches in especially shady areas of the woods) AND the hummingbirds have arrived! The first to show up is always our little Rufus (they make a trilling noise as they zoom around). And he's busily trying to keep all the other hummers away from the feeder - time to put out lots of feeders!

Other signs of spring - the aspens have still tiny leaves on them, the deer are jumping into the horse paddock to sneak a lick of the salt block, the bears got into the trash that we foolishly put out too early in the morning. The horses are almost shed out - (I think I could have made another horse with all the hair I combed off them). Oh yes, and the chipmunks are playing rousing games of hide and seek!
Here's wishing everyone a happy end of the school year and a start to summer fun!
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