Friday, February 24, 2012

Paper Dolls

I've been reminiscing about paper dolls lately.  I loved paper dolls as a child!  We even created our own, cutting the fashion illustrations out of the Sunday paper, carefully mounting them on cardboard and creating new dresses for them.

Paper dolls are sort of a lost art, though there are a few folks keeping the art alive.  One of my friends is Jim Howard, a quite famous fashion illustrator in the 70's, 80's and 90's.  He had an impressive career illustrating for Neiman Marcus, Bonwit Teller, Bon Marche and the like.  He has created a beautiful series of paper doll books, drawing upon those fashions of the past.  You can check out his paper doll work at Jim Howard Paper Dolls

I've been thinking about a paper doll fashion book myself, of children, or course.....I've been doing some testing - and here's one first try at a paper doll.....what do you think?
I'm working on another paper doll project as well - GIANT paper dolls!  In conjunction with the family programs for the Denver Art Museum, as in lead in to the Yves St. Laurent exhibit which will be showing at the museum starting in late March.  Denver is the only US museum to garner this impressive exhibit!  I don't want to let the cat totally out of the bag yet, but stay tuned to learn more - and keep your calendar open the last weekend of March.  Get your kids creative juices flowing by bringing them to the museum for the family day to celebrate fashion!

And think about creating your own paper doll project with your kids this weekend......

Friday, February 17, 2012

303 Magazine Awards

Wow - thanks 303 Magazine!  The awards party was so much fun - and we really appreciate the recognition!

"We are celebrating the people & places that made 2011 great to be in Denver!
The 303 Award is given to people and entities who have contributed to progressing the fashion industry in Denver.
And the winners are:Holli Gibson & Rustin Coburn - Denver Design Incubator
These two are leading the fashion pack at DDI, keeping homegrown talent in Denver and teaching those with fashion aspirations how to reach their every goal.  Such openness in this do-or-die industry is a style we can all get behind!

Chris Parente - Fox 31 TV Personality
Autumn Binion - Fashion Show Producer
Denver Art Museum
Debra Mazur - Common Era"  (303 Magazine)

Monday, February 13, 2012

Hyperactivity and Artificial Food Coloring in Children

Let me start with a disclaimer that I am not against all medications, and some children absolutely need the appropriate medicines to maintain and improve their health.  I am an advocate of limiting meds to those necessary though.   Though I don't usually blog about issues related to children's health - and am no expert certainly - I read an article this weekend that got me thinking about my own children's health - one in particular. 

The article was in the Highlander Magazine for this month ( and it was discussing artificial food colorings in regards to children in particular.  When my son was small, he was particularly susceptible to artificial food dyes.  Sugar really didn't affect him adversely, but artificial dyes did.  I had suspected it for quite some time.  We were very careful about his food, so he didn't have things very often that had artificial dyes in them.  It would be at a large family gathering, or a party, or camping or the like, so I wasn't absolutely sure if it was too much activity, too much sugar, or the dyes or some other factor, but I did suspect the dyes.  One camping weekend, we had a major rainstorm and ended up in the tent all afternoon.  We were reading books and playing games, he was probably 4 at the time.  We had our "camping food" (which means some junk food - including Cheetos) and he wanted some.  I was trying to stall, thinking how miserable it would be crammed in a tent with a hyperactive child if food coloring was indeed the root of his issue.  My husband joined his side, so I gave in and decided to use this as the "test" once and for all to deduce the root of the issue.

My sweet little child, who had been moments before (and the hour before that) playing contentedly went from a calm little boy, to a totally hyperactive one, bouncing off the walls of the tent, literally unable to control himself.  WOW!  I, of course, became much more vigilant about eliminating any artificial dyes from his diet and we had no further problems.

I should mention, that my second child has not had the same issues with artificial dyes, and I am thankful that my older finally outgrew this extreme sensitivity.  But, back to this article - it states that the "Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) found compelling evidence that ingestion of artificial dyes can contribute to hyperactivity, restlessness and attention problems in some children - particularly those with ADHD.  What's more, the studies suggested that removing dyes from those children's diet was a quarter to half as effective in reducing those symptoms as giving kids Ritalin or other stimulants."  According to Nancy Cordes, CBS News' Consumer Safety Correspondent.  "In other words, certain kids with ADHD might not need drugs if the artificial dyes were removed from their diets."  WOW!

I've had several friends (particularly in large school districts) who have felt bullied into giving their kids Ritalin by the school district.  I'm not saying that artificial dyes being removed from those kids diets would have solved the entire problem, but wouldn't it be worth finding out?  Even a small impact in the overall health and behavior of the child by the removal of artificial dyes could be profound, and with no adverse side effects!

Again, I'm in no way trying to preach to anyone, just sharing a provocative article I read this weekend and my own personal story.  Food for thought.....and health

Friday, February 3, 2012

Pinterest Spring 2012 Design Inspiration

I have a new found passion - Pinterest! 

I do tons of clippings to put together my mood boards and inspiration boards.  I draw inspiration from so many places and things.  Now I found a way to make that process easier - and to share it with you!

The spring 2012 collection was inspired by the ocean, and easter egg hunts (believe me - those things can go together!)  Here's the link so you can see the whole board -
what do you think?

You can follow us on Pinterest -

Happy Pinning!