Thursday, January 19, 2012

Spring 2012 Shopping - On Trend!

The Daily Thred just released their trend report for the must have items for your kids:

Sounds like fun, doesn't it?  The good news is - you can do much of the shopping right from our website now!  And when you do, you can select one of several charities which will receive a donation from your order.  The new styles will be arriving in our webstore in February, just in time for spring shopping.  What should you look forward to?  Here's a peek:
Tiered ruffles and lace trimmed dresses

Bustle ruffles trimmed with lace - is there a better look for Easter?

Boys preppy-inspired buttondowns!
Little girls tutu dresses (in hot pink and aqua)
Romper Dresses for girls
Romper Shortalls for boys

And who doesn't need some amazing bright prints!

There's more - but hopefully this will tickle your fancy and get you excited about the spring shopping season!